Friday, October 22, 2010

Ava's Photo Shoot

A few months ago, I got a call from a lady from the company JJCOLE asking if I might be interested in letting Ava model. I was dumbfounded!!! I mean I think she's adorable, but I'm her mom (doesn't every mom think their kids are the cutest?)!!! I agreed and later that week we were at her photo shoot, I was dying! I promised I would post the pics, so here they are. Apparently they really liked her and they chose her for the packaging of the product, it's supposed to come out end of this year, I can't wait!!!
She did amazing, although I'm sure they might only get a few to work with! Another proud mommy moment! It was a great experience!


Jess ♥'s Joel said...

SOooo flippin' cute! i HAVEN'T seen pics of her for a long time, she is getting so big!

Missy said...

She is adorable!!! Congrats on the 5k that's awesome!