Friday, February 29, 2008

Seven Random Facts

I was tagged by my cousin Candice to let everyone know 7 random facts about our family...ENJOY!!

1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

1. When I was pregnant with Carter I never got sick, not once!!

2. Chase and I are total home-bodies! We would rather be at home in our pj's being lazy than going out on a date.

3. Chase never had a frozen t.v. dinner until we were married! We went to the store and bought them for one our very first family home evening activities. Also he never had package gravy til we were married either!!!

4. I swam almost everday when I was pregnant with Carter and now he loves taking baths. Coincidence? I think NOT.

5. Chase and I were married on FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH, and nothing went wrong!!!

6. When Chase and I first met, I absolutely hated him. He worked awfully hard to get me to even hang out with him.

7. Chase is going to kill me for telling this, but his favorite store is PIER ONE IMPORTS!!! We love to go there and just look around!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know our family a little better!

I am tagging Jess, Vanessa and Amber. Sorry I can't think of 7 people to tag!


vanessa said...

i accept the challenge!

Jess ♥'s Joel said...

Ok Cari, I will do this this week!

Andi said...

Well hello Carolyn and Chase! This is Andi Hyldahl (Mortenson). Long time!! I came across your blog--hope you don't mind. Your little Carter is sooo adorable. He is probably about the same age as ours I'm guessing (we have pics @ You guys look great. Hope all is well!