Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Loving Sister and Aunt

As many of you know my oldest sister Erin passed away this January. As a family we went this last Sunday to visit her grave, her gravestone was just placed last week and it was the first time that all of the siblings were together again since her funeral.

I just want to take a moment to share with all of you just how much I love my sister Erin.

I know that for a very long time Erin and I didn't get along, but these past few months without her have been some of the hardest of my life, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her. The last few months of her life will always be cherished, I gave birth to Carter right before her last surgery and I will never forget that she didn't want to tell me she was having surgery because she didn't want to take away from my moment. Erin was an amazing person, she showed love and acceptance to everyone. She was a great friend, sister and aunt to Carter and I will forever miss her. I loved her and know I never showed her enough, but I hope somehow she knows just how much I care about her.

Playing at the Pool

Carter's all time favorite thing to do is be at the pool, we go at least twice a week and he goes crazy for it. I guess it's just in his blood!!!!

Carter's First Zoo Day

We have a lot of cousins visiting this summer, all of them are a lot older than Carter, but we love to tag along as the BIG kids do stuff.

We went to Willow Park Zoo and Carter had no clue what was going on. Since he couldn't focus through the fences and mommy is too short to lift him over we didn't get to see much. But he loved being with his cousins. He did see one thing... a PEACOCK and he freaked out!

Happy Late Fourth of July

This year was the first year since Chase and I have been married to spend the Fourth of July together. We spent the day at the pool and hanging out with family and then we went to the FAMOUS CACHE VALLEY


We were scared to take Carter so we got there early and got him accustomed to things, he loved the music and all the cousins he got to play with.

When it finally started I was so scared he was going to panic....but he has suprised me again, he totally loved them. I even tried to cover his ears but he kept batting my hands away. Hopefully this means we get to make it a family tradition. Happy Fourth Everyone!