Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Crawling Adventure!
Our Trip to Denver
Happy Birthday our Baby Boy
Carter just turned one!!!!
We love you so much, you are an incredible blessing to your mom and dad and to your whole family. Your joyful spirit can make anyone happy, and your tenderness can melt everyone's heart. We are grateful for you in our lives and we have cherished this year with you. We love you Carter Johnson.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New Family Pictures

One of our dear friends here in Logan is an amazing photographer, Laura Harris. She has done all of our family pictures from our wedding to now and we love her and the photos she takes. I just wanted to share my favorites with you, plus I can't help but show off my handsome boys!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Loving Sister and Aunt
I just want to take a moment to share with all of you just how much I love my sister Erin.
I know that for a very long time Erin and I didn't get along, but these past few months without her have been some of the hardest of my life, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about her. The last few months of her life will always be cherished, I gave birth to Carter right before her last surgery and I will never forget that she didn't want to tell me she was having surgery because she didn't want to take away from my moment. Erin was an amazing person, she showed love and acceptance to everyone. She was a great friend, sister and aunt to Carter and I will forever miss her. I loved her and know I never showed her enough, but I hope somehow she knows just how much I care about her.
Playing at the Pool
Carter's First Zoo Day
We went to Willow Park Zoo and Carter had no clue what was going on. Since he couldn't focus through the fences and mommy is too short to lift him over we didn't get to see much. But he loved being with his cousins. He did see one thing... a PEACOCK and he freaked out!
Happy Late Fourth of July
We were scared to take Carter so we got there early and got him accustomed to things, he loved the music and all the cousins he got to play with.
When it finally started I was so scared he was going to panic....but he has suprised me again, he totally loved them. I even tried to cover his ears but he kept batting my hands away. Hopefully this means we get to make it a family tradition. Happy Fourth Everyone!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Sippy Cups and New Teeth
Carter is getting so big! He loves to try new things and he newest love is Sippy Cups. I can't believe that he can already have them, but the doctor said go ahead!
Carter also got teeth this last few weeks, a few sleepless nights for us but they are finally here! They are hilarious looking, I tried to get a good picture but it's not great!
Six Months Old!
Carolyn finally graduated from college. It was pretty exciting for everyone, especially Carter.
It seems like it's been forever since I started college and to be totally done with school is a very weird feeling, but it was great to see family there to support me on this special day!
Just want to send out a thank you to all my family and friends, you all really got me through these last four years of college, without you I don't think I ever would have finished. Chase, especially you. There were times you would stay up all night with me working on design projects, you probably did more than I did, so thank you so much!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Bumbo Chair...Love at First Sit
Cutler Cousin Barbeque
Bad to the Bone!!!
A Quilt for Carter
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Lots of Firsts!!!
Eating sweet potatoes.
Getting kisses from puppies.
Eating rice cereal.
And our personal favorite... Eating limes!!! This picture is priceless.
We are loving watching our boy grow up and are so excited for all the other firsts that will come our way!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Seven Random Facts
I was tagged by my cousin Candice to let everyone know 7 random facts about our family...ENJOY!!
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
1. When I was pregnant with Carter I never got sick, not once!!
2. Chase and I are total home-bodies! We would rather be at home in our pj's being lazy than going out on a date.
3. Chase never had a frozen t.v. dinner until we were married! We went to the store and bought them for one our very first family home evening activities. Also he never had package gravy til we were married either!!!
4. I swam almost everday when I was pregnant with Carter and now he loves taking baths. Coincidence? I think NOT.
5. Chase and I were married on FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH, and nothing went wrong!!!
6. When Chase and I first met, I absolutely hated him. He worked awfully hard to get me to even hang out with him.
7. Chase is going to kill me for telling this, but his favorite store is PIER ONE IMPORTS!!! We love to go there and just look around!
I hope you enjoyed getting to know our family a little better!
I am tagging Jess, Vanessa and Amber. Sorry I can't think of 7 people to tag!
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
1. When I was pregnant with Carter I never got sick, not once!!
2. Chase and I are total home-bodies! We would rather be at home in our pj's being lazy than going out on a date.
3. Chase never had a frozen t.v. dinner until we were married! We went to the store and bought them for one our very first family home evening activities. Also he never had package gravy til we were married either!!!
4. I swam almost everday when I was pregnant with Carter and now he loves taking baths. Coincidence? I think NOT.
5. Chase and I were married on FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH, and nothing went wrong!!!
6. When Chase and I first met, I absolutely hated him. He worked awfully hard to get me to even hang out with him.
7. Chase is going to kill me for telling this, but his favorite store is PIER ONE IMPORTS!!! We love to go there and just look around!
I hope you enjoyed getting to know our family a little better!
I am tagging Jess, Vanessa and Amber. Sorry I can't think of 7 people to tag!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Love Post
I was tagged by my sister in law Jess to do a Love Post, I loved doing it. Thanks Jess for the tag!!
What is his name?
Chase Nielsen Cutler
How did you meet?
In high school, I hated him and he worked really hard to make me like him.
How long did you date?
A year and eleven days before his mission, and then a month and a half after his mission. I say I waited for him, but he says I was available when he got home.
How old is he?
How old are you?
Who eats more sweets?
No competition, totally me!!!
Who is taller?
Chase, by almost a foot.
Who can sing better?
Definetly Chase, although he acts like he can't.
Who is smarter?
I am, book smart anyways. He's very people and street smart.
Who does the laundry?
I do and way too much!
Who does the dishes?
Both, I mostly do, but when he's home he really helps out.
What is his guilty pleasure?
Wild Cherry Pepsi, Oreo Cakesters, Donuts. He loves to watch sports, he would all day if I would let him. He loves going out on the town and acting like we are made of money.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
He does.
Who mows the lawn?
He would, but as long as we have been in our house there's been snow on the ground.
Besides you, who is his best friend?
Carter, His brothers and his dad. He's great friends with all of his cousins too.
Who cooks dinner?
Neither of us. I usually just microwave something. With him working swing shift his dinner time is at midnight.
Who drives?
When we are both in the car, it's always him. He hates how I drive, I can't blame him.
Who is more stubborn?
We both are pretty stubborn, but probably more me.
Who kissed who first?
He did, he even asked. It was sooooo cute.
Who said I love you first?
I did, after a few months, and he said thanks. He told me three weeks later he loved me back.
Who asked who out first?
He did. He didn't know I was only 15, but he asked me out for my 16th birthday.
What was your first date?
It was a few days after my 16th birthday and Jess and Joel came with us. Joel lost his wallet and we spent the first hour or so looking for it. Then we went to dinner and I got sick. Not the greatest first date.
Who proposed?
He did, at Olive Garden . It was January 8, 2004 and it snowed like 2 feet in a few hours. He proposed and then we went bowling.
Who has more siblings?
I do, I have 6 and he has 4.
Who wears the pants?
He thinks he does, but I really think it's me.
What is your favorite thing about him?
I love so much about him it's hard to start somewhere. I love that he loves me and Carter more than he can ever say. I love that he loves to spoil me, and that he always is trying to make me happy. I love that even though I hate sports he still tries to include me while hes watching. I love that he puts up with all my annoying habits. I love that he always tries to make me laugh, and I love when he really laughs. I love that everyday of his life he makes me fall in love with him all over again. I love you Chase!!! Thank you for loving me, I can't wait for the rest of my life with you!
I am tagging Amber and Candice.
What is his name?
Chase Nielsen Cutler
How did you meet?
In high school, I hated him and he worked really hard to make me like him.
How long did you date?
A year and eleven days before his mission, and then a month and a half after his mission. I say I waited for him, but he says I was available when he got home.
How old is he?
How old are you?
Who eats more sweets?
No competition, totally me!!!
Who is taller?
Chase, by almost a foot.
Who can sing better?
Definetly Chase, although he acts like he can't.
Who is smarter?
I am, book smart anyways. He's very people and street smart.
Who does the laundry?
I do and way too much!
Who does the dishes?
Both, I mostly do, but when he's home he really helps out.
What is his guilty pleasure?
Wild Cherry Pepsi, Oreo Cakesters, Donuts. He loves to watch sports, he would all day if I would let him. He loves going out on the town and acting like we are made of money.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
He does.
Who mows the lawn?
He would, but as long as we have been in our house there's been snow on the ground.
Besides you, who is his best friend?
Carter, His brothers and his dad. He's great friends with all of his cousins too.
Who cooks dinner?
Neither of us. I usually just microwave something. With him working swing shift his dinner time is at midnight.
Who drives?
When we are both in the car, it's always him. He hates how I drive, I can't blame him.
Who is more stubborn?
We both are pretty stubborn, but probably more me.
Who kissed who first?
He did, he even asked. It was sooooo cute.
Who said I love you first?
I did, after a few months, and he said thanks. He told me three weeks later he loved me back.
Who asked who out first?
He did. He didn't know I was only 15, but he asked me out for my 16th birthday.
What was your first date?
It was a few days after my 16th birthday and Jess and Joel came with us. Joel lost his wallet and we spent the first hour or so looking for it. Then we went to dinner and I got sick. Not the greatest first date.
Who proposed?
He did, at Olive Garden . It was January 8, 2004 and it snowed like 2 feet in a few hours. He proposed and then we went bowling.
Who has more siblings?
I do, I have 6 and he has 4.
Who wears the pants?
He thinks he does, but I really think it's me.
What is your favorite thing about him?
I love so much about him it's hard to start somewhere. I love that he loves me and Carter more than he can ever say. I love that he loves to spoil me, and that he always is trying to make me happy. I love that even though I hate sports he still tries to include me while hes watching. I love that he puts up with all my annoying habits. I love that he always tries to make me laugh, and I love when he really laughs. I love that everyday of his life he makes me fall in love with him all over again. I love you Chase!!! Thank you for loving me, I can't wait for the rest of my life with you!
I am tagging Amber and Candice.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Today was Carter's first Valentine's Day, and it wasn't too eventful. But I just wanted to take a minute to express my love to my dear sweet husband.
Chase you are an amazing father, husband and friend. We love you with all our hearts and are so lucky to have you in our lives. We love you, Love Carolyn and Carter.
Carter got a new spiffy shirt for Valentines Day, sadly he pooped through it before anyone saw him in it but me. But I got a picture!!!! (I'll get it up soon!)
Happy Valentines Family and Friends, we love you all sooooo much!!
Chase you are an amazing father, husband and friend. We love you with all our hearts and are so lucky to have you in our lives. We love you, Love Carolyn and Carter.
Carter got a new spiffy shirt for Valentines Day, sadly he pooped through it before anyone saw him in it but me. But I got a picture!!!! (I'll get it up soon!)
Happy Valentines Family and Friends, we love you all sooooo much!!
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